Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Top Ten Tuesday - 21 December 2010

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created and hosted by the Broke and the Bookish (http://brokeandbookish.blogspot.com/).

This week the Top Ten List is Top Ten Books I Hope Santa Brings!!

Seeing as I read many many series' of books, I love to have complete collections of each series. I found however, when I've read a book, either on E-book, from the Library or borrowed, I am reluctant to buy it because there are so many new books I haven't read which I want to buy as well!! So on my Top Ten Wishlist for Santa, I have all the books I need to include in my collections.

1. Marked from the House of Night Series of P.C. & Kristin Cast
I borrowed this book from a friend and then of course got curious and bought all the other published books in the series. So for the moment, I have only one outstanding book and its killing me! Please Santa, include a copy of Marked for me!

2, 3 & 4. Pretties, Specials and from the Uglies Series of Scott Westerfeld

I bought the first book in this series and absolutely loved it! Scott Westerfeld created a very enchanting world with this series and at the same time reminded us that real and true beauty is found within and not on the outside. I also think the covers are really pretty so I would love to receive these in my Christmas stocking!

5 & 6. Rumours and Envy in the Luxe Series by Anna Godbersen

I bought The Luxe and picked up Splendour at a book sale for next to nothing, but my series is short both Rumours and Envy, which I read on Ebook. I enjoy reading Historical Fantasy and therefore fell in love with these books, literally "at first sight". Hope Santa saves a space for these in his bag.

7. Crescendo in the Hush, Hush series by Becca Fitzpatrick

Was so eager to read this book that I immediately bought it on Ebook and read it before it was even close to reaching South African shores. But now of course I have a book missing in the series, which is my least favourite thing to see on my bookshelf! The covers of these books are also really beautiful and I stare longingly at them in the bookstore until I see another book that I haven't read! Please Santa!!

8. Torment in the Fallen Series by Lauren Kate

Ditto on the above for Torment. I hope my family is reading this, because I know for sure some of them are wondering what to buy me for Christmas. And sorry to all the other followers who are reading this, cause there are no new books here, but you are welcome to send me a copy of Torment if you have a spare lying around (*hint hint*)! Haha!

9, 10 & 11. Lover Unbound, Lover Revealed and Lover Awakened from the Black Dagger Brotherhood Series by J.R. Ward

Why does the list only have to be ten choices long? I have been really good this year! So the last books I hope Santa brings me this Christmas are these three installments of the BDB series. I read the published books in the Series on Ebook on holiday in April and I picked up some of the softcovers on sales at bookshops and sales. But I would really love to complete my series!

Yip! Those are my choices for this Tuesday, what are yours?


Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

How hard is it, people, to take a look at an Amazon wishlist before going shopping for us readers?!

My list of books I hope Santa brings is here.

Ashley @ Bookaholics Anonymous said...

I also put the uglies series on my list. as for the others some I have. (I just finished Hush hush a few days ago. I can't wait to read the second) Also I'm curious about the BDB series.

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