Wow! It has been a while since I took part in Follow Friday and I'm feeling a bit bereft frankly. Decided since I am overworked anyway I am taking an hour of my day to see what is happening in the Book Blogger Universe. Bring on the weekend!
Follow Friday is a great weekly meme hosted by the guys over at the brilliant Parajunkee's View. It is such a fun way to meet new bloggers and to catch up with old Followers. I have also realised that it's a great way to pick up on exciting new books that I didn't even now about. So here goes! This week's question is:
What do I do when I am not reading?
Weeeelllll... I blog as often as I can and I am a gamer so I play games, PS3 most of the time and quest games mainly. Then I have a very close relationship with my mother who is a shopaholic just as I am so we do A LOT of shopping! The rest of my free time I spend with my boyfriend and what's left after that is work work work! What can I say? I'm a bit of a workaholic!
I hope all of you have a brilliant weekend and have lots of fun! Don't forget to check out my Immortals Read-Along and Talk-Along and the Giveaway that goes with it. I also have a small giveaway (an Amazon voucher of about $15) for the person who suggests the name that I give my blog after it has been revamped! Looking forward to all your suggestions.
New follower - here are my hops!
Hi there, new follower stopping by!
I have never been able to get into gaming, but my little brother and sister do it alot, and I played something with her the other day that was fun, I don't remember what it was called but it was super-cute :) Ugh, I WISH I could go shopping haha, no money right now though :(
You can see my FF post for this week at the link below, would love if you stopped by sometime! :)
Lea @ LC's Adventures in Libraryland
Gorgeous blog!
New follower, friend!
Nikki @ Books Most Wanted
Great blog! New follower. I love to go shopping with my mom, too.
Good reading ~ Escape by Fiction :)
Thanks for the follows all. I am following back but have been struggling to leave some comment love as GFC is not playing nice today! Will do so soon though!
You definitely sound like you have a whole lot of fun. The shopping with mom thing sounds especially fun.
Hopping through. My mother and I love shopping together. Unfortunately she lives a long ways away so we just talk on the phone every day.
My Hop
I love to shop!
Thanks for following me, I'm already a follower!
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