Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The Iron Knight - The Iron Fey - Book 4

Hi everyone! I am at last back from my trip and have been insanely busy catching up work which accumulated during my absence.  I hope you all will forgive my absence and the absolute posting hole on my blog! I hope to be providing you with many more thoughtful reviews soon.  Here is the first of those, my review of: 


The Iron Knight (Iron Fey, #4)I could not wait to pick up Iron Knight - the last book in the Iron Fey series. This series was unexpectedly a quick favourite of mine and I had devoured the first three installments. As with many young adult books, the series of course included... (drum roll)... a love triangle. But there was never any question for me between Ash and Puck as Ash just simply stole my heart. Therefore Iron Knight was the ultimate read in my mind... a whole book focused only on Ash. No doubt I enjoyed it tremendously and I write this review with slight trepidation, as this is the last book in a series which I absolutely adored.


As with all pre-release reviews, I include here only the blurp from Goodreads, which I admit, does not say much. Regardless I would not want to spoil the story for anyone, and for the time being therefore (until you've read the book) that is all that I will give: My name—my True Name—is Ashallayn'darkmyr Tallyn.I am the last remaining son of Mab, Queen of the Unseelie Court. And I am dead to her. My fall began, as many stories do, with a girl…


As opposed the first three installments of the series, this book centered only on Ash, and his journey towards obtaining a means to be permanently part of Meghan's life. He was of course prevented from doing so as he could not, for any length of time, reside in the Iron Kingdom, which was now Meghan's court and the place where she resides. For the most of the book, Ash is hopeful but cynical as to whether he will reach his goal, but he is very determined. I liked this new darker almost morbid side of the book. Of course Puck was always present to lighten the mood and generally irritate Ash. For the most part they have resolved their differences and whether they like it or not it is clear from the story, that they remain the very best and trusted of friends to one another. There is still some action and there is some unexpected sadness, all of which I enjoyed. One gets a deeper understanding of the love that Ash feels for Meghan and of course the man whom Ash really is. At times the book made me feel slightly depressed and whilst I did feel slightly negative about this during my reading of the story, in hindsight I liked that fact too. Any book that evokes strong emotion from the reader, in my view, should be wildly successful.


Overall I kind of miss Meghan and without the interaction between Ash and Meghan one did not get that wistful feeling that the relationship between them makes you feel. At times the book made me feel slightly depressed, which could be regarded as negative. I have however included a comment on that above. Writing this review now I suppose some readers might find the book too dark and I believe this aspect will detract from their enjoyment of the book. Ash at times struggles to find his resolve and I must admit that uncertainty was strange for me considering Ash is normally so determined. I did not like this new vulnerability as it did seem to drag him down on occasion.


I really enjoyed this book, regardless of the slightly darker edge to it. I will probably be mourning the end of the series for some weeks to come, but ultimately that's the left over feelings I experience from any series of good books. This series remains one of my favourites to date and will certainly make time to reread them in future. Be sure to pick up a copy of Ash'es book as soon as you are able to do so!


Unfortunately I am given to understand that this is the last installment to the Iron Fey series. I am sure a brilliant writer like Julie Kagawa will however come up with something fresh and new for us to read soon. So happy reading everyone.

Thank you again to Harlequin through Netgalley for providing this book to me for early review!


Italia said...

After all, he has vowed to be her knight. This is a novel of constant action. There is almost never a moment where the reader can just sit back and go "whew." In THE IRON KNIGHT, Ash, with no doing of his own, assembles a band of the most unlikely companions. His bitter enemy, Puck, won't leave his side, no matter how fiercely Ash taunts him. The fickle cait sith, Grimalkin, ever complaining, joins in on the quest.

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